Saturday, 31 May 2014


People with principle and ambition are not many
In fact, there are only a few people who hold both a principle and ambition.
A person with a principle and ambition is one who has his own stand.
A person with a principle and ambition is one who is willing to endure hardships.
He feels satisfied for upholding his principle even though humiliation awaits him.
Majority of people in this world are those who merely think of food and women.
Majority seek positions for the same reason.
Majority seek fame also for the same reason.
Majority seek monetary gains for the same reason as well.
This is why these few people who hold a principle and ambition,
they are usually at the forefront, controlling the majority of people.
An ambitious person is usually the one who holds power.
Even if he holds a wrong principle and ambition.
As people with a principle, they fight for what they believe in.
For the sake of their principle, they are able to endure hardships.
In fact, some are willing to die, all for the sake of upholding their principle.


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