A few basic acts of worship performed without worldly love are considered more significant than abundance in worship but performed with full of worldly love.
Generally, the truth is hard to put into practice but once observed it gives a fulfilling experience.
An evil act is easy to accomplish but it will never bring any spiritual contentment.
If the truth seems bitter for us to take, simply assume it to be a medicine. Most bitter medicine helps to cure illness, isn’t that so?
Hardships are necessary for guidance in our journey in life.
Many are aware of diseases but they do not know how to cure them. Many are aware of problems but they do not know how to solve them.
Human beings are well aware that beyond youth is old age. But during their youth they forget that old age will appear later on. They then spend their energy and time during their younger days as if their youth lasts forever. When old age appears, they regret and wish that they could return to their youth to redeem all the years they have wasted. Alas, their dreams are mere dreams, an endless regret.
To love our own self until we become too selfish means we are destroying ourselves but we do not realize the fact that we are the cause of the self destruction. Being selfish means we hate our own self without realizing it.
O Allah, I have two dreadful enemies, both are invisible i.e Satan and my own nafs. The closest enemy and the most dangerous is nafs which is within me. It is more dangerous than the condemned satan as it is the pathway for satan.
I seek Your protection against the evil deeds of my own nafs and satan. You are my Only Protector, please help me O Allah. Aameen
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