In the name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Let us tell the story on our Prophet
He is Rasulullah SAW, the savior for mankind both in this world and Hereafter
Even though we have narrated frequently about him
Perhaps we should narrate certain aspects which has not been mentioned
Even if we tell similar stories again and again, it should not matter
As we may recollect the parts we have forgotten
We will remember better
Prophet Muhammad SAW, an extraordinary person incomparable to anyone
Those before and after him among mankind
Even among other Messengers and other Prophets previously told
His soul is angelic, his physique is human
He is the most intelligent being with the most pure soul
Amongst those before and after him
As such God gave him the title ” fathonah”
In fact he is the most ‘fathonah’ among His Messengers
His knowledge is not from his mental capacity
Even though he is the most intelligent person
He received knowledge which God revealed into his heart
It’s named Wahyu, he learned directly from God
The reason for him to have no need to write and have to read the way others do
This is the reason for his knowledge being remembered forever
If the knowledge originated from the mind, he may have forgotten
His knowledge encompasses both the world and Hereafter
{ O Allah, fill his sacred tomb with fresh fragrance from the blessings and grace. O Allah send peace and blessings upon him together with Your grace}
His trust (in God) is exceptional
The reason why he kept no leftovers at night for the next day meal
He gave to those in need instead
As he was confident, if he was still alive the next day, God will provide his needs.
He killed no one
Even though there were times, he should kill the enemy
But he simply refused to kill
He took the main path that was to give forgiveness
For this, the person became a Muslim in his hands
His bravery is extraordinary, unmatched by anyone
He was willing to walk pass his enemies by himself
His enemies did not disturb him, in fact they were amazed
{ O Allah fill his sacred tomb with fresh fragrance from blessings and grace. O Allah send peace and blessings upon him together with Your grace }
His love and care was truly obvious
Especially towards the poor and needy, the orphans and widows
Those who did wrong, he forgave them
Even though he was not asked to do so
Once there was a slave who was going to be punished by his master
The prophet took off his own shirt getting ready to be beaten
To replace the slave, making the slave master feel embarrassed
Consequently, the slave master freed the slave
Once Rasulullah SAW bought a slave and then freeing him..
His generosity is unmatched
Like a gush of strong wind
No one is be able to match him
And not once he refused to help anyone in need
Even though he was forced to be temporarily in debt
{ O Allah fill his sacred tomb with fresh fragrance from blessings and grace. Oh Allah send peace and blessings upon him together with Your grace }
If someone gossip or belittle him
He kept silent, he did not react
His joy is without laughter, with a mere smile
Only obvious on his facial expression
In fact, he never belittle anyone or reveal their faults
Even if they were his enemies
Rasulullah ate very little, just enough to avoid hunger
He never ate alone, even when he was hungry
Minimally, he ate together with another person
Instances when he did not fancy some food
He did not say anything bad about the food
If he was angry with someone, he hid his anger
To the extent that his anger went unnoticed
He never showed distasteful feelings towards another being
For that reason he was willing to eat with someone who had severe skin problems all over his body
{ O Allah fill his sacred tomb with fresh fragrance from blessings and grace. Oh Allah send peace and blessings upon him together with Your grace}
His patience was exceptional
Towards all the trial and tribulations God placed upon him
He was pleased. The reason God gave him the title ‘Ulul Azmi’
incomparable with anyone else.
In fact he is the Head ‘Ulul Azmi’ among all the Messengers.
From his hands, born were the exceptional students ( mureed
They were given the title Sahabat ( Companions)
Hundreds of thousands of them, exceeding one hundred thousand in numbers
This did not happen among the earlier Messengers
All the Companions are granted Paradise
As their sins have been forgiven by God
Due to the grace being his Companions
The Companions are considered as stars in the sky
While Rasul is considered as the full moon
{ O Allah, fill his sacred tomb with fresh fragrance from blessings and grace. Oh Allah, send peace and blessings upon him together with Your grace}
His soul is never goes to sleep even when his eyes were asleep
Indicating that his soul is always alert
The reason why he remained with his wudhu even when he was asleep
He respected human beings befitting their status
Even if they were unbelievers
At times he laid down his headgear for his guest to sit on
As a respect for his guest.
He did not condemn or curse any of God’s creatures
Even among the animals
Also he has never done any misdeeds.
Not even against the main
If he looked at a lady, his eyes were gazing downwards
He is extremely shy
His shyness is worse than the most shy teenage girl.
If he was passing by, no ladies were allowed to be in front of him
{O Allah, fill his sacred tomb with fresh fragrance from blessings and grace. Oh Allah, send peace and blessings upon him together with Your grace}
His acts of worship were plentiful especially during the night.
Till his legs became swollen
He liked to serve his wives and family
Not because he was being requested by his wives.
But he did them voluntarily
As he was searching for ways to please his Lord
He is the best among all husbands
No one else is able to do what he did
{O Allah, fill his sacred tomb with fresh fragrance from blessings and grace. O Allah, send peace and blessings upon him together with Your grace}
In fact, he did serve his own enemy
There was one heart rending story
A blind person who hated him .
The Messenger served his needs without his knowledge
Right till the prophet’s death
He was replaced by Sayidina Abu Bakar who took over to serve the blind person.
The blind man felt a difference from the previous person
Who are you? Sayidina Abu Bakar replied, ” I am Abu Bakar”
replacement for the Messenger serving you, the Messenger has died“
The blind person was shocked
It turned out that the person he hated most was serving him.
He died in his shock
But he had sufficient time to recite the syahadah, he ended as a Muslim
{ O Allah, fill his sacred tomb with fresh fragrance from blessings and grace. O Allah send peace and blessings upon him together with Your grace}
If he were among his Companions or friends
He gave priority for his friends
In fact he served his companions
Anyone who associated with him, felt satisfied with him
Everyone felt being respected by him
Even though they came from different tiers in the society
Let us continue with the story on our prophet
So that it is detailed
The story and the news
He is an extraordinary human being, the love of his Lord
So that we can see he is a special human being
He did not eat until he was hungry
He stopped eating before he felt full
Unlike a normal person
He did not like a meal with too many dishes
Anything that he liked was because of his Lord
Even when he was angry, it was because of his Lord
Not due to his personal reasons
{ O Allah, fill his sacred tomb with fresh fragrance from blessings and grace. O Allah, send peace and blessings upon him together with Your grace }
When he passed away, there was no wealth left behind
He did not miss any congregational prayer
Except once in his lifetime.
That was during his illness that led to his death
He did not strive for his daily needs
But at every mealtime, his subsistence was provided for
But for his followers, they are being asked to strive
Especially those with families
He did not receive any wages
He did not even ask for any wages
For all the efforts in his struggle
But the present religious teachers, they accept wages
From their missionary efforts
The same way as the many religious teachers with worldly desires
In fact there are religious teachers requesting for payment from their missionary work and teachings.
{ O Allah, fill his sacred tomb with fresh fragrance from blessings and grace. O Allah, send peace and blessings upon him together with Your grace }
Fear of God was clearly seen on his face.
He married a rich widow, Khadijah was her name
Her entire wealth was surrendered to him.
But the Prophet sacrificed all the wealth.
And the Prophet, as a friend, he was the best friend among friends
If he was at home, he was the best father
If he was with his wife, he was the best husband
If he was leading the people, he was the best leader
{ O Allah, fill his sacred tomb with fresh fragrance from the blessings and grace. O Allah send peace and blessings upon him together with Your grace.}
If he speak, his voice was loud and clear
His muscles stretched with pressure
If he speak, it was like pearl
Deeply touched by those who listened to him
If he was giving a speech or an oratory, there was no laughter among the audience
As the audience felt remorse listening to him
Unlike the current religious teachers
If they talk, the audience respond with laughter
As the things they say come from their tongue
Not from their heart
The Prophet, whatever he said, it was simple and direct, unlike anyone else
He spoke with short words
But compiled in them were vast knowledge
{ O Allah, fill his sacred tomb with fresh fragrance from blessings and grace. O Allah, send peace and blessings upon him together with Your grace }
As said by hadis ‘ jawa miul kalim’
His words were brief but precise.
His words were brief but very meaningful
His words were brief but satisfying and making the soul trembles
Unlike many others who give empty lengthy talks
Time is wasted, their words do not touch the souls
Let us continue with the story on our Prophet
The Prophet disliked wasteful journeys
He did not speak on anything meaningless
Even though it was not sinful
{ O Allah fill his sacred tomb with fresh fragrance from blessings and grace. O Allah, send peace and blessings upon him together with Your grace }
If he laugh, it was without any noise
His remorse can be seen on his face
Fear of his Lord was clear on his face.
He showed his jubilant when his friends were rejoicing
He showed his sorrow over the sorrow among his friend
Rasulullah cried easily
For the fear of his God
Rasulullah acknowledged that God loves him
His attributes are magnificent
God glorifies him.
In fact he is the most righteous (taqwa) among all other mortals
Those before and after him
{O Allah fill his sacred tomb with fresh fragrance from blessings and grace. O Allah, send peace and blessings upon him together with Your grace }
It seemed he was not listening to what God said about him
God said,” His attributes, are magnificent”.
No one is able to match him
But he was not prideful, he remained feeling like a servant
He was able to maintain his feelings of fear for his God
Feelings of subservience was constantly within his heart
In fact, it has never been apart from his feelings
Whether God glorifies him, it is God’s prerogative
But he continued to feel subservient towards his God.
Being humble with his God constantly
Clearly obvious in his life
{ O Allah fill his sacred tomb with fresh fragrance from blessings and grace. O Allah, send peace and blessings upon him together with Your grace }
He wore the robe with the traditional head gear
His favourite colour was white and green
At times he used black attire as well.
Only once a while
His favourite food was milk and dates
Meat as the accompanying dish
This was what strengthen his physique
Thus a short summary
Globally known story on our prophet
Those not mentioned, do seek to learn more about them.
{ O Allah fill his sacred tomb with fresh fragrance from blessings and grace. O Allah send peace and blessings upon him together with Your grace }
In the history of of our Prophet, it has been narrated
Many miraculous things happened in his hand
The physical and spiritual
The greatest miracle is the Al Quran and Al Hadis
Permanently protected till the end of time.
For learning and guidance for all human bengs
For the safety of all humans both in this world and Hereafter
But what has been mentioned will be sufficient
For those with lack of time to do in-depth study
If one’s personal character resembles our Prophet
That person can be a role model for others to follow
If he is a leader, God’s blessings is with him
What more if he is the leader God has promised for mankind
However what has happened at this end of time
Those who tell stories about the Prophet
They forget who they are
They glorify the Prophet
But they themselves have no dignity
The reason for most of what they say have no effect on others
One who talks a lot about the Prophet without emulating his attributes
Even if he is a leader
Not many wish to follow him
His words seldom become a reality
He does not fulfill his words
In fact others gossip and condemn him behind his back
In fact his own family members give no respect due to him
That’s all there is.
{O Allah fill his sacred tomb with fresh fragrance from blessings and grace. O Allah send peace and blessings upon him together with Your grace.}