Of all the hunts we organised for clients, the most satisfying
are the ones that involved some sort of charity, the ones that besides
having fun we also do something for the less fortunate. We did a hunt of
such nature for a client recently. The charity house that we chose
was Rumah Amal Limpahan Kasih in Puchong. The company staff collected
funds to be given to the home and they also painted part of the home.
The hunt ended in Kelab Tasik Putrajaya for a well deserving meal and
prize presentation.

Welfare center that shelters orphans, poor and needy children, old folks, single mothers and those eligible to receive alms ( zakat ). Please contact Madam Khatijah +6011-28200319 Madam Aiman +6011-37037672 Muhd Usamah Rashid +6012-6453582 Office Tel: +603-80523814 Fax : +603-80607514 Email: limpahankasih2@gmail.com limpahan_kasih@yahoo.com
Saturday, 8 November 2014
Every human being from the moment of puberty until his death
Those moments are his life’s journey
God wants His beings to befriend Him throughout their life
All for their own security in this world and hereafter
To befriend God until their destination
which is their death
There are human beings who befriend God at every single moment of their entire life
There are some who befriend God at certain times
There are some who befriend God during hard times
they leave God during their good times
There are some who befriend God at all times
there are only a few in this group
There are some from their puberty, throughout their entire life
they befriend the evil satan
they leave God entirely
There are some throughout their entire life
sometimes God is their friend while at other times satan is their friend
throughout their life’s journey, there are many disruptions
worldly pleasures enticing to influence them
satan deluding them and nafs ( lusts) tempting them to leave God
Throughout the entire life if one befriends God
there are times when God is testing him
to see if one is faithful in befriending God
There are some who befriend God at the end of his life, then he will be safe
There are some who befriend God both at the beginning and the end
these people are special and extraordinary
There are some who befriend God at the beginning
they leave God at the end of their life, they will be doomed
All human beings have their own destiny
Many of them have satan as their lifetime’s friend instead of God
There are only a few who have God as their friend
throughout their entire life
If we befriend God
God is the Most Faithful friend
the entire human’s desire
the entire human’s needs, God takes care of all
If we befriend satan, he is a deceitful friend
he seems to be good but he is unfaithful
Befriend satan, he is a specialist in deceiving
All may seem beautiful, and yet Hellfire awaits at the end
Human beings will be ruined
06 Syawal 1426H,
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